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Is Your Spirituality an Ultimate Reality?


Everywhere people appear to look for what is supreme: supreme gadget, supreme pleasure, supreme pleasure. Another day I found an ad for the supreme straightened hair. There's an ad for the best guitar. Sooner or later everything must come to an ultimate end.

And the search goes on for the best truth. That's the reason why the publication Our Ultimate Reality by Adrian Cooper is popular. Since its launch in 2005 it's attracted an increasing number of readers.

The question I wish to ask and answer is: Is the spirituality an ultimate truth?

It might seem that the spirituality is the ultimate fact since spirituality has to do with matters of the soul, the matters which survive, which don't have any conclusion, the things that can't be seen but that control our material world and anything outside it.

However, on deeper reflection we all understand your spirituality and mine can't be an ultimate truth.

Spirituality is just a position, an attitude toward the things of the Spirit. Therefore, everybody has a spirituality, even people who deny the presence of the religious.

Through the centuries there have been numerous spiritualities. From the Western tradition we've got the spirituality of the desert fathers, the hermits and monks of Egypt at the fourth and third generations. Then there was the Benedictine spirituality. This was followed by a lot more.

From the Eastern world we've got from the primary Hindu and Buddhists spiritualities. These in turn are subdivided into various spiritualities. We've got the Brahmanic spirituality. We've got the Hinayanic spirituality. We could also talk of a Confucian spirituality, the way Confucius and his followers considered the things of the soul.

Like the world has become worldwide and the demarcation between East and West is blurred an increasing number of people are trying to find a spirituality they may gain from, one which won't just provide them enlightenment on religious things but one that will meet their deepest yearnings.

There are indications of religious appetite all over us. Some have fulfilled their religious hunger and are awakened. As an increasing number of folks are awakened, we'll find an increasing number of types of spirituality. We've the term"Cooperian" related to spirituality, speaking to the thoughts of Adrian Cooper, the author of the book Our Ultimate Reality.

However, none of those spiritualities is supreme in the sense it is the one, last way (because supreme means last) into the knowledge and enjoyment of the matters of the soul. They're all attempts to catch the best truth of the soul.

Just the Spirit would be the greatest truth. Spiritualities, mine and yours and anyone else, are just two methods to approach this supreme truth. They're just gateways, as it were, into the best truth.



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